Patriot Power Greens Review 2025

Getting in your vitamins and minerals is one of the most important parts of recovery. That’s why today I review the Patriot Power Greens from the Patriot Health Alliance, a supplement company located in Salt Lake City, Utah, which is so patriotic that it makes donations to the American armed forces under your name if you buy from them. It’s quite widely marketed to older people who want to feel young again, so what does it really do?


Composed of about forty fruits and vegetables, most of which are organic, Patriot Power Greens is made of a relatively wide variety of ingredients including spirulina, beetroot juice, kale, some kinds of seaweed, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, plums, berries, coconut water and prebiotic inulin fiber, which is related to digestive benefits.

It contains six digestive enzymes and ten strains of probiotic bacteria, including B. Lactis, L. Paracasei and S. Thermophilus, which are linked to better digestion and absorption of nutrients. However, it does not indicate how many probiotics are present in a serving, making it difficult to measure its effectiveness compared to other products.

A serving contains 20 calories, one gram of protein, four grams of carbohydrates and two grams of fibre.

Patriot Power Greens Review [year]How does Patriot Power Greens Taste?

The product we tested has a berry flavour, and it has a very good taste – a bit like an artificial berry flavour mixed with nuances of apple and passion fruit.

I’m just saying it tastes artificial because I’m not used to that kind of flavor of an “all-natural” product. But the aroma seems to come largely from apple powder, which is one of the main ingredients, and from acai berries, pear, pomegranate, papaya, grape, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, blackcurrant, mango and passion fruit.

In fact, it’s almost as sweet as real fruit juice, which can be confusing for people who have an aversion to sweet foods. For the money, it is one of the tastiest products on the market.

Do Patriot Power Greens actually work?

On the positive side: the product’s website cites numerous studies that show that probiotics can improve digestion, heart health and perhaps some influential mental health factors, which is quite true, but again, it does not specify how many probiotics you consume in a serving.

This is very important – the competitor Green Vibrance contains 25 billion per serving while Sun Warrior’s contains 2 billion. A dedicated probiotic supplement generally contains between one and ten billion.

How effective is Patriot Power Greens compared to any other product containing at least one probiotic bacteria? We don’t know that.

I really insist on this factor because the digestive benefits are the only statements of this product that have resonated in me.

The company does not disclose the quantity of each ingredient it contains, nor does it provide information on the vitamins and minerals actually contained in this “health supplement”. It only says that it contains 30 percent of your daily vitamin A and 6 percent of your daily iron, which is not that high for a green powder.

This would be more acceptable if it were simply marketed as a probiotic supplement, except that it also does not say how many probiotics it contains.

Their website states that Patriot Power Greens provides “unlimited endurance”, that it not only reduces but “neutralises inflammation”, that it transforms “the elderly into young people” and that a number of their clients have completely lost their memory problems, joint pain and impotence.

He also says he can replace some prescription drugs, such as NSAIDs for joint pain. It does not provide any studies or evidence as to why, other than these superficial probiotic studies.

How much does Patriot Power Greens Cost?

When postage and handling costs are included, it costs $59 per 30-serving tray, so these products are more expensive than others.

This is not much compared to the dominant athletic Greens in the industry ($4.23 per serving), but it is expensive compared to its other competitors, especially considering the limited evidence to support its claims. By comparison, it costs:

  • $35 for 15 servings of Onnit’s Earth Grown Nutrients ($2.30/serving)
  • $40 for 30 servings of AI Sports Nutrition Red & Greens XT ($1.33/serving)
  • $65 for 60 servings ($1.00).08/serving) of Green Vibrance
  • $30 for 30 servings of PharmaFreak Greens Freak ($1/serving)
  • $50 for 90 servings of Sun Warrior’s Supergreens ($0.55/serving)
  • $52 for 100 servings of Amazing Grass Green Superfood ($0.52/serving)


The only thing I can say about this product is that it contains probiotics and digestive enzymes which can improve digestive health. But I couldn’t find much more information about its effectiveness, the vitamins and minerals it contains and the benefits that its combination of fruits and vegetables can bring to its user.


  • It’s pretty tasty
  • Contains various probiotic bacteria
  • Also contains digestive enzymes


  • No information on quantities of ingredients
  • Very little information on vitamin and mineral content
  • Marketing makes general statements