The Best Filtered Water Bottle (Updated 2025)

Everything you eat and drink is important. It’s important to everyone. But as someone who trains BJJ and/or MMA, it’s even more important that you watch what you consume.

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Everything must be healthy and work for you, not against you.

Rather than drinking sodas and ‘fruit’ juices packed with sugar, you should be drinking water.

Lots of water.

Experts say that the average person should drink at least 2 litres of water a day but again, as someone who trains hard, day in and day out, you’re going to have to up that amount significantly.

Unfortunately, the water you drink from your tap is packed with undesirable chemicals and toxins.

Things like lead, giardia, cryptosporidium and chlorine and chlorine byproducts riddle the otherwise healthy water you drink.

Giardia and Cryptosporidium can increase the risk of gastrointestinal disease and some experts claim that chlorine and it’s byproducts can increase the risk of rectal, colon and bladder cancers.

The first alternative is to drink bottled water. But if you’re drinking the recommended amount of water a day, it can become costly pretty fast.

The second alternative, and the only alternative that is actually viable, is to purchase a filtered water bottle.

These generally look like your typical sports water bottle. The only different is that they have a filter in them that removes the aforementioned chemicals and toxins that plague your water supply.

You can fill these bottles up at the tap and the included filter removes these toxins before they come anywhere close to your body. Out of curiosity, how it compares with the RO water is that the filtered bottled water only removes the toxins; whereas RO water is more advanced filtering and works around altering the ph levels. Read here, the RO Systems Reveal How Reverse Osmosis Works.

This filtered water also tastes and smells much better and cleaner too.

The Best Filtered Water Bottle

 Brita Filtered Water Bottle 23.7 Ounces

Brita 23.7 Ounce Hard Sided Water Bottle with Filter - BPA Free - Gray
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Brita are pretty much the kings of the water filter companies.

Many homes all around the world use their products, including kitchen top water filter jugs and many others. So it’s no surprise that their water bottles are included on this list.

The bottle is BPA free, which decreases the risk of various negative health effects like increased blood pressure.

The bottle, and it’s included filter, can filter up to 40 gallons of tap water. So you’d only need to change the filter once every two months if used regularly.

The bottle itself is very sleek and stylish with a variety of different size and colour options to choose from such as grey, mint and camouflage.

It also has a sturdy carrying loop and is dishwater safe. No having to scrub it after every use like some other bottles.

The biggest benefit to this bottle, is that it’s made by Brita. This means that it is far easier to buy and replace the filters, as they can be found in many shops/supermarkets.
 OKO H20 Level 2 Advanced Filtration Water Bottle

OKO H2O Odyssey 6-in-1 Water Bottle
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The OKO Level 2 filtration system used in this water bottle was originally developed by NASA.

Their lab tests show that this filtration system removes up to 99%+ of things like e-coli, cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia. Which is even more than some other bottles can claim to remove.

It can also filter up 100 gallons of tap water before the filter needs to be removed and replaced.

OKO offer five colour options and three size options between 550ml and 1000ml.

All colour options feature a frosty, clear body with the tip and filter coming in different vibrant aesthetics.

BPA, taste and odor free, this bottle will give you delicious, fresh tasting water which is just what you body needs between rounds.
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You can choose from two different levels of filtration with the Lifestraw Go water bottle.

We recommend going with the two-stage filtration system for added safety from harsh chemicals, but both levels are still far better options than unfiltered tap water.

The bottle is leakproof and made with BPA free Tritan. It can be used indefinitely, unlike some sports bottles that discolour and warp after a while.

It comes with a carabiner hook so that you can latch it on your bag or even a belt if you’re taking it on a jog and don’t want to physically carry it in your hands whilst doing so.

You have a choice of colours between blue, green, pink, grey and purple. All look clean and sleek.

The mouthpiece is made of food-grade silicon and can be easily removed for cleaning purposes.
 Thermos NSF/ANSI 53 Certified 22 Ounce Filtration Bottle

Thermos NSF/ANSI 53 Certified 22 Ounce Tritan Water Filtration Bottle, Pink
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The filter on this bottle is NSF/ANSI 53 certified, which is the gold standard of filters.

This certification states the filter has been tested to see if it can filter out heavy metals, inorganics and volatile organic chemicals successfully.

Many of the cheaper brands that you can pick up off a shelf in a high street store are not NSF/ANSI 53 certified and will not filter out all the imperfections that you need to be removed in order to enjoy prefect health.

Due to an innovative gravity-fed filtration system, none of these unwanted contaminants will be able to burst past the filter by force.

Thermos offer you five colour options to choose from, including four different colours in a plastic bottle and also a stainless steel model.

The stainless steel model is stunning and a good choice if you’re concerned about plastic bottles warping and tearing like some often do.
 Refresh2Go 26oz Curve Filtered Water Bottle

Refresh2go refresh2go 26oz Curve Filtered Water Bottle with Grip - Grey
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One common issue with filtered water bottles is that often they come in smaller sizes than typical sports bottles. The main reason for this is that the filter itself takes up space which would previously have been occupied by the water.

But this can obviously be a problem when training; running out of vital filtered water when you’ve got many more rounds to go.

Luckily, this curved bottle from Refresh2Go allows you to filter and drink 26oz/760ml of water before it runs out.

Which should be plenty for a rigorous training session before having to refill.

It also comes with two drinking options included with the bottle; a straw and spout. The spout allows you to drink the water straight without using the filter and the straw allows you to sip on the filtered water whenever.


We’re always being told that we aren’t drinking enough water. But tap water itself is also packed full of harmful toxins and chemicals.

You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

The only way you can safely take in as much fluid as you need to is with one of the filtered water bottles listed here.

The fresh, cleaner taste that comes from filtered water will make it easy for you to drink as much as you need.

How to Hydrate Properly During Training

According to several experts, about 60% of our body composition is made of water, and in our muscles, this value grows a little more (around 75%). Water gives shape and structure to the cells, it’s present in all chemical reactions of the body, it helps regulates body temperature and facilitates the transport of oxygen and nutrients in our body.

An important role that water plays in our body is most evident when we practice physical exercises, especially since we lose a large amount of this liquid through sweat. Thus, correct hydration brings benefits for health, saving the body and ultimately improving performance.

Even a loss of 10% of body water can lead to serious effects, such as dizziness, difficulties in concentration, muscle spasms and kidney problems. And if the loss is more than 20%, it can be fatal.

The Best Filtered Water Bottle (Updated [year])

In order to avoid dehydration, we must always remember the most suitable times to drink for sports, which would be early morning and late afternoon. Other recommendations are to avoid prolonged physical exercise on days with high temperatures, opt for a light and comfortable outfit and never forget to drink water or isotonic drinks (sports drinks) during the practice (for activities that exceed one hour of duration and/or high intensity with excessive sweating).

Isotonic drinks are responsible for the replacement of electrolytes, which are a combination of sodium, potassium and other nutrients eliminated in sweat. Key ingredients which the body needs.

The most efficient way to keep the body hydrated in its physical exercise routine, according to Physical Education teacher Eduardo Emilio Lang Marés da Costa, is to ingest on average 500 ml of liquids two hours before practice. Avoid soft drinks, excessively acidic juices, alcoholic beverages and hot drinks.

During exercise 100 ml of water or isotonic every 20 minutes of continuous physical exercise and maintain hydration two hours after the end of the activity – in this case, the ideal situation is not to reach the state of thirst sensation (because thirst is an indication of dehydration).


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